Doula D (Danette) (She/Her)
North Shore Intuitive and Holistic Birth Doula

I am a Midwest girl transplanted to Massachusetts in 2007. Helping birthing people with all things birth related has been an extreme passion of mine since the birth of my first daughter in 2017. Prior to her birth I was on a fast track career path in engineering. The moment I had my daughter, my focus shifted.
When I am not consuming birth related materials, you can find me in the kitchen cooking, on my meditation cushion, or grounding myself outside in nature. I love going to the beach with my kids and being near water. I love to travel and immersing myself in other cultures. I would love to travel more someday but for now my vacations usually involve visiting out of state family in Pennsylvania and St. Louis, Missouri.
Before I even became pregnant, I began researching birth. I prepared for birth like you would a marathon. I took natural birth classes, practiced hypnobirthing, took Spinning Babies classes, I engaged lactation consultants, read all the statistics, explored my birth options and hired a birth doula.
Little did I know, not only was I preparing myself for birth, but I was building my knowledge and resources for all the pregnant people I would one day help take this beautiful journey into parenthood.
My 2 pregnancy losses and 2 live births have transformed me at my core and taught me what I am made of and who I am. It brought me to the edge of what I thought was possible and then past that. What an empowering feeling it was to birth in an environment with people who trusted me to know what I needed and who allowed me to direct my birth process. A mother was born.
Throughout my birthing experiences, I learned firsthand the value of having a doula on my birth team. Her unwavering presence, strength and knowledge guided me through the birthing process. Her passion and love for birth lit a spark in me. I saw myself in her and the stage was set for me to go into birth work.
I had my second daughter, in the water, February 2020, right before the world shut down. Despite my preparation for postpartum, I suffered the throws of postpartum depression and anxiety. The isolation only made it worse. With the help of professionals and loved ones I was able to heal and recover.
As I emerged from the post-partum dungeon, I embarked on an intense soul searching and healing expedition. From it, came the realization and acceptance of my soul's mission, to usher birthing people through their journey into parenthood and to help bring souls earth side. Birthing is life's single most transformational process, and it is my honor and privilege to guide you through this process. Specifically, I help you learn to trust yourself, listen to your body and follow your own inner guidance system. My job is to help you take back control of the birthing process and have the best birthing experience possible. You have the power to change the way you birth by changing the way you view birth and yourself.
Besides my own pregnancies and births, my birth work experience has included supporting birthing people through conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. These pregnancies include singleton and multiples. I have completed my DONA certification requirements, and I am a certified Body Ready Method pro®. I am trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping and I work with other energetic metaphysical modalities such as Access Bars® and Reiki to help my clients remove blocks, shift their energy and step into their power. I will never stop learning and will be continuously expanding my education. Stay tuned for updates.