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Body Ready Method®

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As a BRM® Pro, I work with pregnant people who want to optimize the balance, strength and resiliency of their pregnant body to stack the cards in their favor for a more efficient birth and recovery. I work with birthing people who want a professional by their side that can suggest positions and perform hands-on techniques to create balance and space in the birthing body to support the physiological process of birth.


What is the Body Ready Method®?

BRM® is an evidence based approach to prenatal preparation and birth support that empowers birth givers to take control of the
controllables of prenatal preparation and birth support.


BRM® can help with: 

  • Body balancing to help baby find their best position

  • Prenatal aches and pains

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Core support to minimize issues with abdominal separation and diastasis recti

  • A more efficient birth by optimizing the body during pregnancy

  • A smoother postpartum recovery


Why work with a BRM® pro?

  • I understand, deeply, how to support the pregnant body to find resilience, strength, and mobility.

  • I am equipped to help you prepare for a more functional pregnancy and a more efficient birthing process.

  • I am an expert in pelvic mechanics and understand what to do during every stage of the birthing process to encourage progress and optimize balanced space in the pelvis and surrounding soft tissues.

  • The BRM® approach allows you to feel resilient for the incredible journey through birth, regardless of the type of birth you are planning or end up having.

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